Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Inspire Me Thursday: Dear Diary

For some reason this was a tough topic for me, hence the late post. I'm not sure why exactly. I just kept thinking of this book, and more specifically the girl pictured on the cover. (I bought the book, and it is lovely, but it didn't really help me with this entry.) I kept thinking about the diaries I had as a girl with the stupid locks that are easy to pick. You see I will try to break into my own diary to see how easy it is to break into. I spend hours trying to hide it in a creative location (and then try to remember where I put it). All of this can be exhausting, especially when you consider the fact that I am the kind of girl who religiously writes in my journal only to destroy it months later for fear that someone will read it. I've done this consistently since the 2nd grade. If I don't ruin the journal, I write cryptically (or try to). I thought about creating my own code or learning another language for the sole purpose of concealing my entries from unwanted eyes, but that just takes too much effort.

Incidentally, my parents are notorious snoops, so I blame them for my paranoia.

micron pen in a moleskine sketchbook

inspire me thursday


megan said...

Your post is hilarious...we humans are hilarious! I love the honesty about all the fretting we do about things.

Patricia J. Mosca said...

I really like this girl with her wishing expression ... and the flower in her hair...She feels like she did have a good day! Love the Dear Diary story...I think all of us girls can relate to it, that is why most of us do not have them anymore (the older ones) boy and don't I wish I did!!

Julia said...

O I know what you mean !! I did not write the things i my diary that I wanted to , so afraid that someone should read it :):)

Great entry! Love the book !

carla said...

I like the way you composed this... it makes me feel like I've come across the diary that some girl has accidentally left lying around. Very nice!

titration said...

I had to look at it twice to realize it was a drawing of a journal on a drawing of grass. And I think that's a good thing, that I had to look twice. :) I also like that there were dandelions in the drawing and in the grass. Some fun play/symmetry is involved in that for the viewer. :) It's actually rather poetic. hmmm.

Unknown said...

thank you all so much, you sure know how to make a girl blush!

xo- melanie

Crafty Green Poet said...

I like your drawing very much and I enjoyed your writing too. I don't write everything in my diary for the same reasons.

Zhenia said...

I also love the composition of this sketch. And I so understand the desire to destroy one's diary. I'm less worried about other people reading it though, and far more afraid of being reminded of the person I was. I've never been very kind to my past selves.

Unknown said...

zhenia, you know that is a good point...destroying your diary is a kind of denial isn't it? i'm quite glad i can rewrite some of my history :)

Leah said...

you have such a great energy, melanie!

i love the drawing. and i felt the same way about my diaries (same as you my parents made me paranoid) as a kid. but as an adult i've worked on opening up more in my paper journals, but it's still hard!

Miriam said...

I love this drawing! It evokes so much. It's funny to me that there is a relationship between that drawing and that picture on the cover, to me. Makes me smile.

Cheryl Finley said...

Very nice drawing...and I have a good idea what you went through with the whole privacy did I...I'm ok with it now though.

Hopefully you'll get to enjoy your writing it in..encoded or not. Thanks for sharing this.