Thursday, November 1, 2007

Self Portrait Challenge: What I Wear

This week (yesterday in fact), I wore blue tights:

I've been playing around with colored tights. Purple tights are my favorite (that was last week), so I thought I would try something new. I was really daring because I wore this to work at my white shoe firm here in Manhattan. I figured, you can wear a bright colored sweater why not tights? I pulled it off! It was fun, what color should I try next?!
more wardrobe choices here


amy said...

Those are a lovely color of blue. I used to wear tights all of the time when I was in high school. I still have some of them. My favorite pair were black with white silk screened flowers on them. Do you have any green tights? I think lime green should be your next color. I'm going through a green phase right now, so I'm a little biased.

Mia Peltola said...

Wow, your blue tights looks so fun! I think people should have more fun with clothes and not always do what is obvious. I admire people who has their own style like in

I love these creative finnish people and not just in Helsinki:)

Umā said...

nice! i love colored stockings too. i second amy's vote for green.

Vedrana M. said...

beautiful blue color :)