Saturday, April 19, 2008

Night Blooms

My neighborhood is in full bloom. Even at night spring is in the air...

Good night. More posts to come soon!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Winter Blooms Into Spring

Photos I took this weekend of the Spring Buds & Blooms around my neighborhood:

Winter Blooms Into Spring

Spring Awakening

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring is Here!

micron pens and color pencil on water color paper
She is wearing a pink version of a Whistle + Flute dress found in their Spring 2008 collection...and is now featured on my Platinum Blonde Life header...I hope you like it.  More drawings to be posted soon.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Self Portrait Time Capsule

I've been really enjoying receiving Photojobo's time capsule emails, it is fun to see what my photos looked like a year ago. Especially since I traded up cameras, and am currently pretty satisfied with my Nikon D40x. I was also looking through my self portrait set...which dates back to 3/4 years ago and chose some of my favorites to create the below collage. The upper left photo was taken when I first moved to NYC, 3 years ago, The most recent photo is in the lower right corner, that photo was taken this past Saturday so while most of the photos are pretty current they do range in time making them a time capsule of sorts.

melanie self-portrait collage

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