Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Inspire Me Thursday: DNA

One of my favorite quotes is:

"Fashions fade, style is eternal." ~ Yves Saint Laurent

When I saw the prompt was DNA, I thought of this quote...I'm pretty sure style, design, fashion, & art are embedded somewhere in my DNA...so I designed a DNA print dress...so cute! (would probably never wear it though hahaha!)

Pitt Artist Brush Pens, Color Pencil, and Acrylic Paint on paper

Inspire Me Thursday


Royce Addington said...

Your sketch captures a confident style! ...and it occurs to me that DNA would make a fantastic fashion design label! I can hear the commentator on the runway now..."One Girl Show presents her latest line...D*N*A* !!

Cheryl Finley said...

I love it!

Cheryl said...

I love this idea! I can picture that DNA pattern on all sorts of stylish accessories. How about a double helix bracelet?

lee said...

hey yoy might be trend setting wearing your dna skirt, and your own dna label as royce mentioned. I thought it was a great idea and I loved the sketch

House on the Vaal said...

So Cute. Love the DNA pattern on the dress.

titration said...

That was a really creative spin on the prompt! And I could totally see someone wearing a skirt with a helix on it. Depending of course on the color or whatever but still. :) Bravo.

Patricia J. Mosca said...

Where can I get one?!? I would wear one for sure!!

Sherri B. said...

I love your picture, and your blog! Very nice self-portrait picture too (on the fence)...thanks for the words of encouragement to me. Starting is the hardest part!

Deb G said...

I'd like to place an order for 2 yards of that fabric :)

A brilliant idea! I like how you linked something about you to the idea of DNA, and in such a fun way.